

Burnt Offerings

It was a dark summer. I was going to Honduras for the first time in 7 years. It should have been a time of reconnecting, rejoicing, and relaxing. Instead, it was a time of great grief. We had to make a tough decision: quit our jobs, leave our home and school, and move to a different city. Everything was stacked against us. We were going to a smaller school that had only 4 years of operations. We were moving to a more expensive neighborhood. We were moving away from family and friends (my mom lived next door to me.) We didn't have a lot of money (I was not remunerated for the summer). We were moving from a school that our daughters loved. We were moving from a school where we loved our students dearly. The decision took us all summer.

We would go back and forth. Should we stay? Should we go? How, when it is all stacked against us? Can we even afford it? My heart was racing almost every night. My husband had instructed me not to breathe a word about this to the girls and to not spoil their summer. I felt I was lying to them the entire time. They would speak to me about the things they would do with their classmates when they went back to Panama, and my heart would break. They would tell me stories about their friends, and I knew the decision would break their hearts. I would wake up in a panic and tell my husband I had changed my mind; that he and the girls should stay and only I should go. He would tell me he had already set his heart on leaving. He would come back and acquiesce only for me to tell him that we should stick to our first resolution. It was a back-and-forth I am not proud of. I was making decisions out of a place of fear, fear of what we might be losing.

Then there was the issue of my heart. Oh, how it was bleeding! It felt hurt. It felt humbled. It felt guilty. It felt like I hadn't been enough. It felt like I hadn't done a single thing right. I replayed the final scenes before summer in my head over and over again. "How could it have ended that way?" I felt injustice. I felt unappreciated. But most of all, I felt unworthy. The pain in my heart would make me writhe under my blanket, as I tossed and turned every night all night. "Let it go," my husband would say, "You can't keep reliving it. You can't keep blaming yourself. You need to give it to God."

Before this happened, I had met with my mentor, and she had been unequivocal: "Only stay if you hear a clear calling from God to do so. If not, He is clearly moving you." I kept looking for that clear calling, and a Bible verse kept popping up everywhere I looked:

"Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams." 1 Samuel 15:22

I was not going to listen. I was going to find a way. First, I tried to find a way to stay. That was a dead end. Then, I tried to find a way for my husband and girls to stay. That proved more fruitful  as I was offered a position in a more prestigious nearby school. They needed a computer science teacher which better suited my resume. But that decision never gave me any peace. It actually made me feel like I was disobeying. The Bible verse would keep popping up. It was in an Instagram story or a post I was scrolling. It was the verse of the day in the Bible app. It was the verse that a friend was sharing in one of our talks. That was a clear sign! We decided to walk by faith and take a leap. If we had gone by human rationale, we would have never done it. Oh, how lucky that we strive to seek the wisdom of Heaven and not of this world.

The first thing I did as soon as we landed back in Panama was tell the girls (literally, as soon as we got home from the airport!). My heart could not take a single moment longer before I told the girls the truth: We would not be returning to our previous school. Their tears were instant. They cried. I cried. My mom cried. We told them we were moving to a nicer home and a nicer neighborhood. We told them their school would be really nice and that the teachers we knew from the school were also very nice. They would not hear of it. "We don't want a better house or a better neighborhood. We are happy here. We are happy at our school. Why are you changing us?" I knew it would hurt. It hurt really bad. I woke early in the morning the next day and asked them if they were still mad at me. I think it was the first time they said "yes."

Things took a quick turn when they came with us house hunting. Every neighborhood and apartment was better than the previous one. They could see that they would live in a place with a pool, parks, and bike paths. That excited them. They toured the school and could not believe how big the grounds were. "You said this was a smaller school," my younger exclaimed puzzled with surprise as we toured the well-furnished music room, dance room, film room, and art room. "It's smaller in student body size, but they will grow every year," I clarified. They saw the enclosed cafeteria and gym with AC, the roomy classrooms, and the expansive playground and outdoor courts. Their belief that "better" wasn't actually "better" soon evaporated. That was such a relief. They were on board.

We have been living in Panama Pacifico and working at our new school for six months now. We have very few students. I have classes of only two students. I can't say I am complaining, although I miss bigger classes. I miss my students so much, but I am glad I get to see so many of them at church. My husband misses them terribly too. We live in a house with a kitchen island, a walk-in closet, and a balcony; things that seem trivial for anyone else, but for us who never had them, they seemed unattainable. I suffered from impostor syndrome for weeks. "Is this really where I live? I feel I am living in an Airbnb I rented for a nice vacation. This can't be right; I'll soon wake up." I was relieved to realize my husband was feeling the same. "We have access to two pools and a gym?! The girls have their pick of several parks and playgrounds?! They are safe to walk the dog on their own around the neighborhood, because it is extremely safe and guarded?! Nah! This is not happening to us."

I love working at my new school. My students are so amazing, but then again, all of my students have always been amazing. I have loved every single one of them. I can't describe the joy I feel every time I enter my classroom. I decorated it so nicely. I hung a hammock chair instead of a desk chair which makes sitting at my desk a whole different experience. My boss is the most supportive, caring, and funny secondary principal I have ever had. The school director has gone as far as helping me get my work permit sorted out (that whole shenanigan would need a separate post). I feel welcomed, appreciated, and supported.

I would have stayed at my old job. I would have stayed there for years and years. I would have done it for God, but God had more for me. I wonder how many times He has had more for me and I haven't gotten it, because I would let myself be guided by fear, a poor mentality, or my penchant for suffering. Why have I believed that is what God had for me? Those are burnt offerings! It pleases Him more that I obey His voice. He is the Good Shepherd. He makes me lie in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He guides me along the right path.

As soon as I came back to Panama, I got to serve in the kid's ministry camp. This was the theme Bible verse:

You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Genesis 50:20

I felt it deeply in my soul. It was the Lord telling me He has a plan for everything that had happened before the summer began but also telling me I am here for more than all the amenities. I have work to do in the place I have been placed. It is no coincidence I am here if I am here following His voice. My school is not a Christian school, yet my life mission remains: to make disciples of Jesus. It is going to look a lot different than it did last year. It goes beyond my students. I have already seen the many ways He is revealing Himself to me here and calling me to His business. I have to take greater charge of my girls' spiritual life; it was a charge that was always mine and my husband's to start with. We have had personal devotions together every Tuesday and Thursday of 2025. It has been an amazing time spent in the Word, meditation, and prayer together. I was not taking that time before.

Behold, to obey is BETTER!

My hammock! 

We also enjoy the sport's park nearby for some volleyball training together. 

The bike trail is usually not this scary, but I kind of loved that my first ride there looked so eerie. 

We thoroughly enjoy the greenery of the grounds!

I get to see humming birds in my balcony from my kitchen island.

Our dog Bentley has also been blessed here. She goes on daily walks now that the girls can take her without me, so she doesn't rely on mommy being healthy for walks. She loves enjoying balcony time and even watches the hummingbirds with me.

I get these spectacular mountain views when I am on the hammock doing my devotional and meditation.

Thank you, Father, for your faithfulness to us. We owe all to You!

Kaylee's Enchanted Totoro's 10th party

 This has got to be my favorite theme of all time. The whimsy and fantasy in this theme was palpable. And it didn't take much to make it look this enchanting. 

The backdrop is courtesy of someone teaching me how to print a pdf in poster mode to print on several pages. I feel silly admitting I didn't know how to do that till this party. C'est la vie!

How whimsical is Kaylee here dressed like Mei from the movie?

One of my top ten cakes of all time. It was so easy to make. I really can't believe I got it to look like that. 

Easiest cookies ever, yet they were so hard to make because it was so hard to find black food coloring. Seriously!

That little flower well with the Totoro plushie was too adorable. 

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?
Isn't she precious? Made from love!

How cute and contrasting are those sprites? So easy to make too!

Thank you, God, for my daughter's amazing friends!
(pictured are Lucia, Valentina, Kaylee, and Becky)
Of course mom went for the easiest piñata design!

This is what they should look like.

Ta da! (Of course my eldest doesn't have short hair, but you get the gyst)

How serendipitous was that red bridge for this birthday theme!!!!

The rain scene has to be one of my favorites. I forgot to pose them with Kaylee sleeping on Emmalee's back!

My colleague Tati lent me ALL the beautiful plastic flowers you see. They were EVERYTHING to make this theme look this magical!

Dear Kaylee, 

How is it possible that you are headed to 5th grade? When did this happen? How did it happen? No! These are lies. You are still my baby. I will remain in denial forever. Honestly, though, time has slipped through my fingers. You have grown so much. You are still my little jumping shrimp, giggly munchkin, stuffed-animals lover, rainbows and unicorns little girl. You love Bluey but you also love Gumball. You are walking the line between innocent childhood and curious tween life. You are a hopeless romantic. I have written about this before, but now I can add you are a very loyal romantic. This year I did see you fall more in love with your Saviour and your Christian walk. It wasn't a path with no resistance. For a moment, I thought you would ask to give up Crosswalk. In the end, you not only finished but requested to continue for the next year. Watching you do hard things made me proud. We can all "serve" Christ when it's fun and when it's with our friends. You have enjoyed serving Him in choirs, chapel club, and dance club. And I love seeing how every time you do it you give it your all. You dance with your entire body and all your energy. I can't take my eyes off of you. You sing with intention, loudly from the bottom of your heart. My eyes fill with tears every time I hear you sing. But the Lord wants true worshipers. The Lord wants us to do hard things for our love for Him. Watching you go through Crosswalk while grinding to find the will to go, and then go and do it with joy, discipline, and love was magical. Watching you serve in your first mission trip with the heart of a servant is all I've ever prayed for your life. What does it matter if you are smart, beautiful, popular, friendly, social, or successful if you do not use your life to serve God? Nothing, my darling daughter. Nothing at all! He is why we are on this earth. To do His will is why we breathe and walk. It is a personal journey. One you must take alone. One that at this age becomes more and more a reality. After the hard mission trip, your determined "I'm coming back next year" was the proudest I've ever felt about being your mom. But you make me proud every day. There is no hug more lasting and hearfelt than yours. Every kiss you give me feels charged with gratitude and care. Your humor is still my favorite; if I am ever feeling down, I just need to look at you and your silly smile will make me smile. You have learned how to smile for pictures better. Oh, buggaboo, it has been a struggle to get you to smile on pictures, yet you are always so willing to please and give it your best even when it makes you uncomfortable. I love the fierce and loyal friend you are. I love that you don't make exceptions on who you love, and you love everyone with the same intensity. I can't wait to see the wonderful things the Lord will do in you and through you. You have already taught me more than you can imagine. I love you infinitely, 



Emmalee's Magical Harry Potter 11th party

I had dreamed of a Harry Potter birthday for the longest time. I honestly think I made the Harry Potter party I wished I could have had for my daughter. I got say, way more satisfying that she got to have it, so I really wanted to go all out. As always, I will break down all the components of the party.  

This table looks a little underwhelming for all the time it took to make it, but I still like it.

I wish I would have had an outfit for Emmalee, but the Panama heat is no place for a robed look. We went with a 3rd movie Herminione look.

Love the hanging candles.

The figurines are from Papercraft. I always love these for all my birthdays.

So, that was not the cake I was going to make. I made a cake that was covered in quarters with the 4 house colors, but it looked too preschool for my liking.

These nearly broke my wrists; luckily, I had Xenia Lucia staying with me and she wanted to learn how to decorate cookies. Luckily for me, she ended up being better than me.

Paper models have lost their appeal, I must admit. The cutting, folding, and putting together is grinding. But, I couldn't see myself having a Harry Potter party without a Hogwarts castle somewhere.

Maybe this was the party that broke my love with papercrafts, but I was really grateful there were so many available for free on the internet.

Like the flying car, the howler, the quidditch podiums, and those food tags.

Or the Hogwarts Express, the double decker bus, or the chocolate frog box that had a chocolate paper frog that leaps when you open it.

The sorting hats were easily made. I filled 1/4 with m&m of one color to sort the kids into their houses.

The favor boxes were Monster Book of Monsters. Yup, I made one for each kid. Don't think I'd do that again.

Awaiting to be sorted.

If this Harry Potter-loving girl got Slytherin, she was choosing again!
Emmalee holding the wand pen favors that were inside the box. The wand chooses the wizard, but mom made sure she got the blue rock in her wand.

Practicing their swish and flick.

Fun with ph experiments with base and acids for potions class.

And bringing the micca potions from our Breath of the Wild party back since they were such a hit.

Flying car photo prop.

Platform 9 3/4 photo prop 

Hedwig piñata made by me.

Showing the house ties.

Ready for the quidditch match.

We played using the official Muggle Quidditch rules.

Kaylee, the seeker, caught the snitch!

Emmalee and her grandma.

Mom dies in the end.

 Dear Emmalee

11 years? It is official. You have made me the mom of a preteen. Have you always been one, though? It feels like it. It feels like you have always been this wise and ahead of your age. You see things very analytically. You care deeply about how you treat others or how you make them feel. You care deeply about following Jesus and doing what is right before His eyes. Who taught you that? Is it in your DNA? I can attest before the Lord that is all you. You have matured so much in the past year. You went from caring too much about what others thought to finding who you are within you. You know who you are in Christ. You know you are loved, worthy, and accepted. It took you some learning to know that if others thought differently, it didn't change who you are inside. You learned to choose your friends instead of thinking everyone had to choose you. You learned that not everyone will be a close friend and that is ok. It pains me that you have to learn the realities of friendship and relationships so early. The innocence and unprejudiced friendship of childhood is no longer present. Envy, jealousy, pride, and many other things come into play in those who seek your friendship and those who don't. It is a hard thing to learn not everyone's intentions towards you are for good. It is a hard lesson to realize there are ill intentions in what people say or do. Yet you navigate through all these realities with grace. You still extend an unbiased hand to anyone who wishes for your friendship. You don't see class, age, gender, status, or race. You see people with loving eyes ready to be loyal friend is they'll be one to you back. You have become a volleyball rockstar. You started so unsure and shy. I still remember your trembling little legs on your first game. You came into the court for 5 minutes, but they must have felt like an eternity to you. Look at you now, shorty! You have become integral to your sub-13 category team, and you play so well you have played with the sub-15 and sub-18 categories as well. And where is that trembling youngster? Oh no, nowhere to be found! She is confident enough to serve from the top and to strike like a pro. Mom loves yelling: "Go shorty!" from the side. I hope you know I feel nothing but pride for you. My independent little woman, you now do all your work on your own. Your servant's heart is present at home offering help with chores or caring for mom. You are always daddy's little companion. You have abandoned Zelda and any video games we played! Volleyball takes the bulk of your thoughts. Or is it boys? Ha! Nah! Or maybe mommy doesn't know. Are you so much like a teen you no longer tell me? That's ok! I knew this day would come. I am just so happy you have such good friends in Emma, Laura, and Camila. You are dotting and encouraging to them as always. I will continue to challenge you to extend that to your sister. Don't forget to give the grace in your words and tone you give your friends to your sister and, even on occasions, your mother. Don't be a full fledge teenager yet. Or maybe never! Can you skip over that part? If not, mom is ready to be there and love you no matter what. I keep waiting for it to get hard, but you make it so easy. I am in awe of your beauty, intelligence, talents, dedication, kindness, and character. I love you, my darling Malee. Go, Shorty!

