

Do you believe in miracles?

This question has plagued me for the past 4 years, but, if I'm honest, it's plagued me all my life.
I`m a Gideon. I`m a Thomas. I want the signs and the clear answers from God. I want to see the rain only on one side; and when I am still not satisfied, I want the rain on the other side now. I want to put my finger in the wounds and see Him walking.

In a sense, I think I don't give myself enough credit. I´ve always felt Jesus`scolding "You of little faith" is directed to me, but I guess in human standards I`m doing better than the disciples. I mean, these men have seen Jesus do impossible things, yet they wanted more faith.

Luke 5
5 The disciples said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
6 He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

How could they have needed more faith after all they had seen Jesus do? And Jesus´answer has always plagued me as well. If your faith was as small as the smallest seed, it could still do impossible things possible. If I've never seen an impossible thing happen, is my faith not even as small as a mustard seed? Was the disciples`faith smaller than that as well even after they saw these impossible things? If I saw a miracle my faith would be unchanged?

I`ve prayed for miracles. I`ve asked God to show Himself and His power to me all my life. I begged my friend Nancy would come out of her comma and instead she was declared brain dead. I begged for a miracle for Kara, Giana, and Kinsley. They loved Jesus so passionately, I couldn't fathom God`s answer being a "no", but it was. When my friend Chele was diagnosed with cancer a year after I was, I didn't even pray for a miracle.

Chele died two days ago after a battle that was less than two years long. In the end, cancer had consumed him in such a way his death was a relief. Is it horrible for me to say that, or is it a small insight that death is not the end and not the enemy? Our human minds can't understand the kindness behind death. I understand it better. Surviving cancer to me has been a hard burden to endure. It sounds unbelievably selfish of me to say something like that after so many don't survive, but being left with chronic pain for the rest of my life sometimes makes me wish I had gone to Jesus. 
I feel selfish sometimes by how much I long for His second coming. I want the new life and the new world to come to fruition. This world is no longer luring to me. But my loved ones can still feel a sense of thriving in this side of life. I feel bad wishing it was over, but aren't we all called to long for His coming? My godmother, Sue Powell, has had a lifetime battle with chronic pain. She survived cancer almost 40 years ago. No one longs for Jesus` second coming as much as she does. But her desire for His coming is for her longing to be with her Savior, not the end of her pain. She reminds me of my grandmother, who made into her 90s, but had been telling me for almost 10 years before her passing how much she longed to go to Jesus. I would get sad and tell her not to say that. I was only thinking of myself. Sue tells me the same things, and even though we've never met face to face, I don't want to imagine a world where she is not in it. But her miracle would be to go to Jesus.

Am I a miracle? Next month will be my fourth year when I was diagnosed with cancer. I'm still here and my checkups have come clean. My brain refuses to believe I am a miracle because the chances of those checkups not coming clean are always present. "What if I tell the world I am a miracle and I was cured, and my cancer comes back to claim me?" You see, I would consider myself a miracle if I died of something other than cancer. But we are all going to die, one way or another. What is the purpose of me searching for a miracle that only means I didn't die of X or Y? 

The miracle is love. My friend Chele was a miracle and got a miracle. He was loved so well by his wife. She literally laid down her life for him. I never saw her or Chele crying or wallowing in self-pity. Chele used his last words to preach Jesus and praise His goodness and glory. He was stuttering, but could not contain the message of hope he had received. His wife endured hardship, loneliness, and reclusion, yet all she ever did was praise God's goodness and provision for her. Even after her husband's passing, she knows she got a miracle. The miracle was that she found a husband whom she loved and loved her back. The miracle was that they were generously provided for in the darkest hours by the love of God and the love of those around them. The miracle is that she has hope her husband is happy with Jesus and one day she'll see him again, restored and himself all because of the love of God that sent Jesus to die for her. The miracle is love. Love was not wanting in their lives. It was ever present.

I remember this one time when I was 18 years old I was in a government office waiting room waiting for my number to be called. You know those places are hell on earth, especially in a third world country. I began giving the gospel to a man sitting in front of me. He asked me how I could believe in a God I had never seen. "Oh, but I have seen Him," I told him, " He has been there, I have felt His embrace, I have heard His voice. I know He is real." That young girl said that with such conviction! He had been my Father when my father moved out of the house because of the divorce; and when I read in His Word that He would be my Father I never felt fatherless. I had never been alone after I read in His Word that Jesus promised to be with me all days until He returned. I felt loved when I read in His Word that He was preparing a home for me and had laid down His life for the ransom of mine. I felt His embrace when I cried alone at night and I read in His Word that we can console others because He consoles us. I heard His voice when I would pray to Him and His Spirit would bring His Word to my mind and give me all the answers.

The miracle is experiencing Jesus in your life. The miracle is living in His love, even with chronic pain or longing for His return. The miracle is knowing He is always with us, He cries with us and has cried with all of us who mourn Chele's passing. 

Do I believe in miracles? 
Jesus loves me, so... Yes! I believe in miracles.

Serving with Chele in the church band. It was always a pleasure serving with him, not just because he was one of the best drummers or singers, but because he always knew how to connect us to Jesus with his words and emotions. He sang for the King and it showed!

Chele knew the kind of friend he had in my husband. I still remember him calling my husband at 3 am to help him move his sound equipment out of a venue. I would get upset that he always called Rodol, but Rodol would tell me he was his friend and he was there for him. I'm sorry we couldn't be there in his last years being so far away.

You are forever in our minds and hearts. We are so sad that he left us so young. We will continue to lift Isis in our prayers.
May the Lord console you and give you His peace and hope.


Pirate Birthday Party Decoration and food plus Printable links!!

Welcome, friends, to another edition of the birthday party!!!!
I took pictures and videos of the different things I made for this party to do a "HOW TO" section and answer your questions of how I pull off these parties. As always, everything you see is handmade at home. I'll be sharing this party in a series of posts, because otherwise they are waaaaay to long. In this first post, I'll be sharing the decoration and main table. I've taken the painstaking task of going back on my Pinterest boards and Chrome history to share the different links of the various printables I used for this party. Let's get started.

When I begin planning these parties, even though I have Pinterest boards and the decorations done, I never know how the main table will end up looking. I was NOT looking forward to making a Pirate theme party for my girl; but, it being her 7th birthday, the girl knew what she wanted. She could not be dissuaded. In the end, I really enjoyed making this party and had a lot more fun with the crafts than I first thought. I really like the way this table ended up looking. Let's break it down.

As you can imagine, finding girly printables for this theme was harder, but I was so happy to find that pirate banner with girls! Link below!!!

I wanted a rustic flair to this party and to me that means one thing only: burlap! I really love that Emmalee banner!

Spy glasses
I am grateful my sister is a preschool teacher and was able to give me all those paper towel rolls because we don't use paper towel in our home to be ecological. You can use normal towels that you wash and re-use, but you can't ask that of a pre-k teacher teaching 2 and 3 year olds with 25+ students. These were just painted black, which the girls painted most, and decorated with tinsel paper.

Cardboard Pirate Ship
This cardboard pirate ship was gorgeous. People didn't believe the bottom is egg carton until I showed them the underside. You can find the link in my Pinterest board shared below which will take you to the website with the patterns and follow-up video to make this beauty. It took me about two weeks working it slow and steady. It was quite sturdy for the girls to play with and not render it unusable, though they did do damage to one of the sails which I didn't realize until I saw these pictures.

Eye Patch
These were extremely easy to make, link with printable below. I had the choice to go the easier route and buy plastic patches on the dollar store. I opted for these ones because the girls had a set of the plastic patches from a party they had attended and never used them again. I didn't want the kids sending more plastic to the garbage and these are nice biodegradable paper and wool.

I had so much fun putting my sewing machine to good use with these pirate dolls. I did not make a pattern for these. I eyeballed them. I LOVED that Jack Sparrow compass paper model. Link with printable below. It was so realistic and it even had moving parts with the dial on the center moving like a real compass.

There were so many adorable cupcake wrappers for this theme available, I could not choose and made two. These cupcakes use tinfoil wrapper inside because the cupcakes were tres leches cupcakes. I had never done that before, but I had made such a delicious tres leches that I wanted to feature tres leches somewhere. The tinfoil wrapper held the cake nicely and the wrappers were extremely easy to cut and assemble. Link below!

 Fruity Pirate Ship
Honestly, I had so many pirate ships already that I almost skipped this one. I had made one before for Kaylee's Tinkerbell 2nd birthday. That one was nicer, but people still found this one whimsical. Use a big skewer for the sail as it is very heavy. Always try to offer healthy options at your parties.

Shark fin Jello cups
I could not find blue jello. Last time I did blue jello for Emmalee's Rapunzel birthday I used blue Jolly Rancher juice and unflavored gelatin. I could not find anything like that in Panama so I used White grape juice and blue food coloring. I thought the kids were going to be put off by the flavor, but I guess the whip cream and blue fondant made up for the bitterness of the grape juice. It looked a little greenish, but that mimics ocean water closer. 

Treasure map cookies
These where so easy to make. I did not have a cookie cutter. I eyeballed it again. They came up closely sized. Using royal icing is so easy that Emmalee was the one who made the splash effect of the wave using a toothpick. Guest went nuts for these and were very impressed.

Another pirate doll. You can guess who kept this one with the pink shirt!

Anchor bottles
I don't know if I should stop using these for parties. Kids don't use them much. I guess the problem is I don't pre-fill them. I'll fill them next time. These were done with some silver popsicle sticks a friend gave me. The flags were super cute with girl and boy pirates. This was my favorite printable and I'm sad I didn't picture the banner from that printable above the main table. Link below.
Treasure chest chocolate boxes
I saw these on a Pinterest post, but I think it took me to an Etsy shop. What I did was search for a box template and make the birds myself. I wish I had done a pattern to share, but I eyeballed it. There is a treasure chest printable below.

Pirate ship cupcakes
These were the second set of cupcake wrappers I used. I really loved them with the double sail and flag. Link below.

Pirate Ship paper model
Ok! I'm a sucker for paper models now. I am totally in love with making paper models. I've been doing some more for the upcoming birthday. I made two ship, but I wasn't so good on the first one. It was too intricate and the pieces were too small. I shared both of the printables below, but I recommend making this one. It was so beautiful. I did add some wooden skewers inside the paper rolled posts to give it more structural support. 

The cake
Someone kick me in the buttocks. Can you believe I forgot the cake in the car and did not display it!!! I can't believe that happened. So this beauty didn't make it on the table until it was time to sing happy birthday. I didn't get good pictures of it, but it was cute. It was my first time doing the spoon smooshing tecnique, but it was really easy. I am glad I've brought my fondant use to a minimum. The girls liked being feature on the cake in Emmalee's doughnut party and asked to be featured in this one as well. They like Emmalee's hair being lighter and Kaylee wearing mainly pink.

Cardboard sword and barrel
Just google: how to make a barrel. Plenty of Youtube tutorials will pop up. You can also find tutorials for the cardboard swords. I eyeballed the first one and used it as a template for the rest. In the "how to" post I'll give more info.

Favor bags.
Easiest design ever. Made a shark fin for the boys bags and a mermaid for the girls.

 Pirate Photo booth
This was meant to be placed elsewhere, but it rained just before the party and I had to place it in that corner. I made it to be easy to assemble and disassemble because it was sitting in my house for quite some months. The girls used it for putting up plays and as a playhouse. Then I stored it under the bed. The girls helped me paint the waves and wheel.

 Treasure map table runners
Got the idea on Pinterest. Had too much fun drawing and feeling like a little kid. Here is an aerial view. I also love my pirate ship and paper boats centerpieces that doubled as serving plates for snacks and candy.

 Pirate balancing game
I had some games in the tables for the grownups. There is a link to the printable below. Really enjoyed it. It was hard. I could balance the pirates on the ground, but balancing them on the little ship was hard. I told the adults that whoever did it first got the paper model ship. No one was able! But many tried and had fun.

Next in the series will be the games. Oh, these were SO GOOD! Don't miss out!

All of the links provided include a download link and are completely free. This are awesome resources and the best compilation of freebies I found after HOURS of rummaging the net. Trust me, this is the best out there. It'll save you the time of opening endless Pinterest tags that say free and send you to an etsy link.
You can check out my Pirate Pinterest Board for more ideas;
I initially thought of making a mermaid under the sea birthday, and I have most of the pirate tags there, so check it out for more pirate ideas or a joint mermaid-pirate party too: