

Weekly grattitude

Good morning Father,

Another week begins but I am truly grateful for this day. It's an oportunity to make this day, as my darling Adina would say, worthy of eternity. I feel very challenged this week. I have a ton of work and my husbands finals are coming up, which means well be up to our elbows! Why, then, so grateful for this week? I am excited to apply what I learned this friday with my dear sissters in Christ. I am challenged to apply a quiet and gentle spirit in this hard weeks to come, learn to be supportive of my husband, respectful, kind, diligente, and calm at my job, and hard working girl at my house.

So lets start that wonderful thank you list:
11* Skype. Why skype first? I am truly grateful I am able to talk with my mom and my sister!
12* My sister. I am grateful for the beautiful woman she is becoming in and out
13* A never ending pile of dishes to wash. (Yeah thats right, grateful for the good and the bad! Oh I hate to do the dishes!)
14* A hubby that helps with the dishes!
15* The Women's conference this friday. So edifying and challenging!
16* A mom that returns home from her travels safe and sound
17* The newborn twins and mommy safe and sound!
18* A long lost friendship beginning to mend. Can you believe we had coffee together?!!
19* An undeserving opportunity to serve in the music band during the conference.
20* The wonderful late night practices with dear Sarahi, Ivonne, Marcela, and Isis!
21* The new songs I learned in the conference and the one I got to sing. (Grateful even more for the whole auditorium singing so strong to the King of Kings!)
22* An encouraging letter from my Cristina (a.k.a Eunice!). For her being concerned for me and keeping me in her prayers.
23* The sweet fellowship with my sisters from church who I hadn't spend much time this year.
24* For Barb Roose and her coming to Tegucigalpa to teach us.
25* A wonderful anniversary. Glad to see my husband so happy.
26* For a time with Paolo and friends justing having fun. (I dont get to do that many fun things often.)
27* A wonderful letter for my anniversary from my hubby! (You see, he is not that good with words, but that letter moved me to tears!)
28* My new earings and pendant for my anniversary from the hubby too!
29* The new office. (I am so glad to be away of the rukus, fuzz, bad words, stressful environment from the old office. We might not have windows in the new office, but I am grateful for the much needed peace and quiet).
30* For my two co wokers who have become great friends.
31* The hability to make the hubby happy with my cooking skills (they are kind of recent),
32* A wedding cake tier lasting a year to enjoy it on the anniversary. Grateful to remember the darling friend that helped out with it, the sister that saved it, and the mother that worked on it til she dropped. Grateful to have those memories of my wedding cake!
33* Thank You, for althought I have a long way to go, my husband thinks Im beautiful all around.
My list could go on. But dear work is there waiting for me.

Dear Father,
Thank You for Your many blessings! Thank You for they are countless. Thank You for they are from You, for everything we have has been given to us from You. And You are good. As I told You in the beginnig, I want to make this week worthy of eternity, but I can't on my own. I am in Your hands and at Your feet.

I love You Father.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1 yr Anniversary! Mine is coming up this weekend and I found myself saying "i can't!" to a few of your blessings. In my case I am the one writing him a letter. I found your post through Ann's link up and I am glad I did! Thanks for sharing and God bless :)
