

Learning everywhere.

I have told you before how I struggle with my coworkers. None of them are christians and it is hard for me to carry a relationship with them. At the beginning, we were getting along fine, but it was because I was conforming to them. A little Romans reading later, I began to fight that conforming, landing in them mocking me all the time. Now, I find myself constantly trying to serve them while also trying to put the other cheek. But, everything happens for a reason (I now believe that more than ever) and everyone in your life has a purpose and a teaching.

I rejoice in how much I have learned from my two female coworkers. They are both very responsible, hard working, punctual, and professional. One of them became my boss some months ago. I couldn't be more happy. She is just, respectful, and considerate. She is also the closest married person I have in my life.(By closest I mean to say the one I see more often and spend more time with). She talks to me about work, marriage, health, children and juggling them altogether. Her counsel is sometimes under the humanist worldview, but she has wise advice more often than not. Today we were discussing pregnancy, since all of my coworkers are hopeful that I will be pregnant soon!

Remember when I told you I dreaded going out during the week days with my hubby? Well, yesterday I didn't go to work. I spent from 11 pm of Monday til 4 am on Tuesday going to the bathroom every 20 mins (I am embarassed to post this, but I promised myself I'd be honest :P). Needless to say, I didn't sleep at all and my stomach cramping was torture. The hubby took me to the doctor yesterday and again we are starting a now-forced diet (the hubby accompanies me on all of my sufferings. He is wonderful that way) and a new regime of pills. I got a call from him at 4 pm telling me a friend of his invited us to his birthday. He knows I spent yesterday feeling pretty bad and I was more than longing to go home and do nothing (almost nothing. there is always the unavoidable cooking; unless I want to throw my budget on eating out again. It happens when I'm feeling down, but I can no longer afford to). He immediately told me that he could take me home and go to the birthday alone. I was thrilled at this thought. I had downloaded more episodes of Sakura that I was happy to watch alone tonight.

For no apparent reason, my coworker decided to talk to me about caring for the hubby. It was funny how we got to that subject. I had made a correction on a code of one of our softwares. She asked me if I had tested it on other applications. I told her it should work fine, but I decided to test it. Turned out she was right and the code did change depending on the application. I said: "it is good to be extra careful and always double check". "Yes", she said, "you should also be this way with your husband". "What do you mean?" said I, "should I be spying on him?" "No, you dummy. I mean you should be extra careful you are caring for him. Double check you are guarding his heart, his soul, his tummy." And then we said some jokes about her being very careful and her husband's tummy to prove it. And it hit me. How many times has your hubby has gone alone because you feel bad. And this is no lie or excuse. You honestly feel bad. But bad enough that you can't say "yes" to him sometimes? Knowing he would rather go with you! Knowing he longs to go with you! And I told this to my boss. She said. "One day, he will simply stop asking you out."

God really does speak to you all the time from everywhere if you are willing to listen.

Tonight, I'm gonna go put on some make up, try to tidy up my hair (we are short on time), and go out with my husband with a smile on my face.

Happy night! blessings!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have such a good relationship with your boss and to have an open heart to learn from her wisdom when it lines up with God's Word! Yes, He does speak to us everywhere, and perhaps He is nudging me through this post. I have lupus, so we often have similar discussions about whether I accompany him here or there. Even when I don't go, I can at least make some effort to look nice for him when he returns.

    I hope you had a lovely time out with him and the Lord is restoring your strength and health. Thank you for your comment at crumbs earlier in the week. Grace and peace to you in Jesus!
