I did this Bible doctrine course available at BBN Free Bible Institute online many years ago. As I go over it again, I want to share it with you. You can take the course yourself by signing up here.
By John Mitchell
How has God revealed Himself to men?
Does He have an interest in me and you?
Job chp. 11
Can't thou by searching find God?
Job 23:3
"Oh that I might know where to find Him?"
Does God know me?
Sin ruined man and gave him a nature that is contradictory to God's nature.
You might say "But I am not so bad?"
Then I would ask you "Who is your standard?" When God is the standard, we see how far off we are.
And so, we want to know Him to be more like Him, and God reveals Himself through His names.
His name's reveal He is not through with men, even though man is ruined in sin.
"God loved us while we were sinners"
He loves us and has given provision for us to have fellowship with Him and know Him.
We find in the Bible that God does things for His name's sake. 1 John 2:12 we see the forgiveness of sins for His name's sake.
Psalm 138:2 "Thou hast underwritten ever word by Thy name."
We are going to connect God's Old Testament names and see how Jesus fullfills them all in the New Testament.
Let us study His names and see what kind of God I am trusting and serving.
While we study His names I will ask you "Is this your God? Is He big enough? Do you know without a question of a doubt that death is defeated, sin has been put away, and He is able to save you?" This is everything! You need to ask "Has He made it possible for you and me to have a relationshio with Him? Are you a fool for not knowing Him and not putting your trust in Him? How much interest does He have in you? How much interest do you have in Him?"
As I get to know Him, the more I bow to Him for His mercy, grace, and love and this produces worship, praise, and obedience. It's about time christians really know God. It is possible for us to really know God, and it is a tragedy so many of His people know so little about Him.
Mstthew 16
Jesus asks His disciples what names people has used for Him, and the disciples said John the Baptist, Elijah, some of the prophets. He asked "What do you say?" and Peter said "You are the Son of God." Jesus said to him "Simon, you are very blessed for flesh and bones have not revealed this to you but my Father Who is in heaven."
What you and I will ever know about God will be given to us by revelation. This revelation has been given in the Word of God. How will you know Him if you don't go to His Word?
The very first name of God in His Word was given in Genesis 1:1.
"In the beginning God."
The name God there is El Elohim. It means the mighty one, the creator. Used 2700 times in the Old Testament, connected especially with creation.
John 1:3
"All things were made by Him and without Him was anything made that was made. In Him was life and that life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend it."
Heb 1:2-3
"... by Whom He also made the worlds, Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,"
This is talking about Jesus.
Col 1:16-17
"By Him were all things created.... by Him and for Him....by Him all things are held together."
He is the creator and the upholder of all things.
Interesting that El Elohim is God's name in the old testament especially used by gentiles. He was known as the creator. He is the living God in contrast to the dead idols
Elijah stood on Mt. Carmel and had a contest with the prophets of Baal. Baal's prophets are asking for fire, even cutting themselves open with knives. Elijah took 12 stones and built an altar, put his sacrifice in the altar, and drenched it with water. He, in a quiet prayer, lifted his hands and prayed "Let is be known that You are the God of Israel." And the fire of God consumed the altar, the water, and the sacrifice.
1 Kings 18:39
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, “The Lord, He is the God! The Lord, He is the God!”
The translation is "He is Elohim" and the usage of this name meant that He is the living God and He must be worship.
So the question is raised, how do you worship Him, the creator and uplifter of all things?
The disciples asked Jesus that question. How can we know the way to the Father? He said to them "I am the way to the Father" and thus He also must be worshiped.
When you worship God you must see His holiness and His rightfulness and see your own sinfulness. When you think that a sinful man can come into the presence of a righteous God, you ought to bow down and worship Him, especially when God has made a way in which we can come into His presence.
How wonderful that Jesus came to make a way so that we may come into the presence of God acceptable to worship.
Exodus 3:7-10
God met Moses in the burning bush. "I have seen. I have heard. I have come to deliver my people."
Elohim also means the ever faithful one.
Job 23:3
"Oh that I might know where to find Him?"
This is a heart that is yearning for God. How wonderful that now the Lord Jesus says to us "Come to me all who are burden, and I will give you rest"!
Paul says in Timothy that now we have a mediator before God, and He has made it possible for you to become child of God.
The Elohim, the creator, upholder of all things, the ever faithful one has made provision for us to be with Him. He must be praised! He must be worshiped!
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