Can any theme better describe Kaylee?
I relied on balloon help for this one.
And our and our friends' extensive minion collection.
Tell me that topper is not Kaylee personified?
Colors, design, rainbows. It was ll done to match her to a t.
These unicorn cupcakes had me shocked at how easy they were to make and how good they turned out.
Pretty much everything in this theme was easy to DIY. The marshmallow eyes made these simple cupcakes pop.
Kaylee disliked the unicorn cookies initially because "their eyes look crazy." Then she compared them to the movie unicorn and declared they were perfect.
Had to have one cookie bot! Boogie!
The gift bags were easy but cute.
Unicorns and minions all the way!
We got an Agnes, Margo, and minion. Dad was too hot to be gru, and mommy was just to exhausted.
My beautiful Tita was moving to Costa Rica a few months after this party. I pray with all my heart this won't be the last birthday we share together.
Dear Kaylee,
You turned 9, but you seem to be forever my little girl. You have love going to school. I was so scared for you, not because mommy didn't think you were smart enough but because I felt you were too hyper for sitting still. How wrong I was! Your teachers tell me that you are the best-behaved student in your class. I was super scared about you taking Spanish. Oh no, Spanish did a number on us during our homeschool years. You cried and I cried. Look at you now! Excelling at everything you put your hand on, you finished your first school year with a high honor roll! It was strange celebrating your first birthday having classmates. What a long guest list that was! You just get along well with everyone in your class. You have an amazing class that received you with open arms. You were lucky that you had Xavi and Santi there to welcome you. You were also excited, to your parents' dismay, to have Matias there. You make sure everyone is included. You are still the jokester you've always been. You had the beautiful opportunity to get baptized during Resurrection Sunday. I can't tell you how my heart was jumping in my to see you decide to walk with Jesus and make Him the Lord of your life. You joined the dance club at school and have given me the most beautiful worship dances I have ever seen. You dance with your entire body, baby. Of course mommy couldn't keep her tears inside. You love dancing, playing video games, watching YouTube, playing in the living room hammock, and making friends, You got to witness your tios (Javier and Heike) getting engaged in January (2023), and you begged to go to Honduras to be a flower girl. Well, baby, it's happening! You will be a flower go and you are finally going back to your beloved Honduras. You're as ever a romantic. Oh boy, you make your dad and I sweat with worry. I try to do right by you and view your heart from the purity it's coming from. Please forgive mommy because she carries a lot of emotional and spiritual baggage, especially in that department. I am letting the Lord guide me into guarding your heart from feeling judged or repressed. It's a balancing act mommy is always learning to do better. It's been strange because the older you get the more I realize you resemble your father more, but get along better with me and vice-versa is real with your father and Emmalee, where she resembles me more and gets along better with him. You are still my giggle bug, jumping shrimp. Your energy is as magnetic as it's always been. I'm excited to watch you grow and watch the wonderful things you'll do for the Lord. You love plushies like a crazy person. You have learned to be detached from them and have donated a few, but you still collect new ones and get excited by them. I loved making your Minions-unicorns party. I think that party theme perfectly described you: An uber girly, lovely kid that would go crazy for unicorns, but a crazy, looney, funny, hilarious, troublemaker minion. I say this in the best of ways, baby. You are so special! You don't take yourself too seriously, you give the best billion-kisses kiss every night, the best hugs, and the best smiles. I love you, my darling. I love you a lot!
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